“Fermentation is cooking, it just happens more slowly. Heat is movement. It causes thermal degradation. And the processes that take place inside a cell of yeast—using enzymes and heat to bust things apart and harvest energy—is analogous to what we do when we boil a pot of rice. But there’s always waste, for the microbe or the chef. It’s part of the parallel between fermentation and human existence on Earth.”
— David Zilber
A collection of some of my favourite recipes
↗ Entangled Life—How fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures, Merlin Sheldrake
A very thought– and insightful, magnificent book. I enjoyed every single page of it.
“Fungi make worlds. They also unmake them. There are lots of ways to catch them in the act. When you cook mushroom soup, or just eat it. When you go out gathering mushrooms, or buy them. When you ferment alcohol, plant a plant, or just bury your hands in the soil; and whether you let a fungus into your mind, or marvel at the way that it might enter the mind of another. Whether you’re cured by a fungus, or watch it cure someone else; whether you build your home from fungi, or start growing mushrooms in your home, fungi will catch you in the act. If you’re alive, they already have.”
“A mycelial network is a map of a fungus’s recent history and is a helpful reminder that all life-forms are in fact processes not things. The “you” of five years ago was made from different stuff than the “you” of today. Nature is an event that never stops. As William Bateson, who coined the word genetics, observed, “We commonly think of animals and plants as matter, but they are really systems through which matter is continually passing.”
Merlin Sheldrake
↗ Foundations of Flavor: The Noma Guide to Fermentation, René Redzepi & David Zilber
I got this special book by a special person a few years ago, shortly after it got published, and I use it ever since as a source of knowledge and inspiration.
You can probably find this thoughtful and intelligent piece with lovely illustrations in an independent bookstore in your neighborhood or if you’re lucky enough you might find a 2nd hand copy online from time to time.
“There are thousands of products of fermentation, from beer and wine to cheese to kimchi to soy sauce. They're all dramatically different creations, of course, but they're unified by the same basic process. Microbes-bacteria, molds, yeasts, or a combination thereof–break down or convert the molecules in food, producing new flavors as a result. Take lacto–fermented pickles, for instance, where bacteria consume sugar and generate lactic acid, souring the vegetables and brine in which they sit, simultaneously preserving them and rendering them more delicious. Cascades of secondary reactions contribute layers of flavors and aromas that didn't exist in the original, unfermented product. The best ferments still retain much of their original character, whether that's a touch of residual sweetness in a carrot vinegar or the floral perfume of wild roses in a rose kombucha, while simultaneously being transformed into something entirely new.”
↗ Wild Fermentation, Sandor Katz
And his other books Fermentation as Metaphor, The Art of Fermentation, The Revolution Will Not be Microwaved, …Also keep an eye on Sandor’s Website www.wildfermentation.com for updates, talks and conferences.
↗ Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer
The book is a compelling call for what Robin Kimmerer describes as “restorative reciprocity” – the responsibilities that come with the gifts of nature and the importance of practicing gratitude in this exploitative world.
“The vulnerability we’re experiencing in the pandemic is the vulnerability that songbirds feel every day of their lives.”
Kimmerer recognizes: “I don’t have the power to dismantle Monsanto. But what I do have is the capacity to change how I live on a daily basis and how I think about the world. I just have to have faith that when we change how we think, we suddenly change how we act and how those around us act, and that’s how the world changes. It’s by changing hearts and changing minds. And it’s contagious. I became an environmental scientist and a writer because of what I witnessed growing up within a world of gratitude and gifts.”
I got this important book from a friend in the beginning of the pandemic. It took me quite a while to read it, small piece by piece and digest it, but it’s truly worth it.
↗ Staying with the Trouble, Donna Haraway
“In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants.”
↗ Biocivilisations: A New Look at the Science of Life, Predrag B. Slijepčević
In Biocivilisations Slijepčević rethinks the mystery of life and its deep uncertainty, exploring the complex civilisations that existed on Earth long before humans. He shows how bacteria, amoebas, plants, insects, birds, whales and countless other species not only preceded human beings but demonstrate elements of human civilisation like complex communication, agriculture, science, and art. Humans must adopt this wisdom from other biocivilisations that have long preceded our own to end the violence we inflict on our living planet.
I went to Die Gemeinschaft's symposium in Berlin in 2021, with workshops and lectures about fermentation. Pia Sörensen, the author of this book, who is also teaching at Harvard, gave us a scientific introduction to the topic. She introduced us to Harvard’s Online Class Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes exploring "the roles that microbes play in the production, preservation, and enhancement of diverse foods in a variety of culinary traditions, and learn about the history of food fermentations.” The book explores why recipes work on the basis of science.
↗ Delicious—The evolution of flavor and how it made us human, Rob Dunn & Monica Sanchez
In this book Dunn and Sanchez explore “the role that flavor may have played in the invention of the first tools, the extinction of giant mammals, the evolution of the world's most delicious and fatty fruits, the creation of beer, and our own sociality.”
↗ On Food And Cooking: The Science And Lore Of The Kitchen, Harold McGee
A good, old kitchen classic. When this compendium about food first appeared in 1984, Time magazine described it as “a minor masterpiece”. A very detailed book about where our foods come from, what they're made of, and how cooking transforms them into something new and delicious.
↗ Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual, Bill Mollison
↗ Tools for Food: The Stories Behind the Objects that Influence how and what we Eat, Corinne Mynatt
The broad selection in this book explores the history of kitchen tools that we use almost every day. Divided into chapters by function—store, cut, grind, squeeze and mix—each contains several tools that represent the evolution of how our beloved kitchen tools, showcasing their origins.
↗ Edible Stories, Mark Kurlansky
I can also dearly recommend: Salt: A World History, about the only rock we eat as well as Choice Cuts: A Savory Selection of Food Writing from Around the World and Throughout History
↗ Ferment for Good, Sharon Flynn
A useful book to start with, with plenty of (easy) recipes
↗ Eating to Extinction—The World’s rarest foods and why we need to save them, Dan Saladino
“Eating to Extinction is an astonishing journey through the past, present and future of food, a love letter to the diversity of global food cultures, and a work of great urgency and hope.”
Dan Saladino meets farmers, scientists, cooks, food producers and indigenous communities who are preserving food traditions and fighting for change. All human history is woven through these stories, from the first great migrations to those from today. Eating to Extinction reveals a world at a crisis point: the future of our planet depends on reclaiming genetic biodiversity before it is too late.
↗ Koji Alchemy—Rediscovering the Magic of Mold–Based Fermentation, Jeremy Umansky and Rich Shih
Rich Shih gave a very insightful introduction to the topic at Die Gemeinschaft's symposium about fermentation last year. His work is worth exploring for a deeper insight into the field. In the book you can find everything from recipes from scratch to personal notes, experimentation is welcome and encouraged.
“What is it that makes koji so attractive to a chef or other culinarian? For starters, koji is bewitching: It’s life cycle is fascinating, and its aroma intoxicating. Think for a moment about some of the other moulds used in food production. Would you describe the aroma of a piece of charcuterie or a hunk of blue cheese as intoxicating, mimicking honeysuckle and tropical fruits? We think not.”
↗ Teaching Community, Bell Hooks
“To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination”
Useful information about fermentation, with plenty of insights in books, classes, recipes and stories. I also recommend their troubleshooting page with helpful Q&A’s.
A community that aims to connect people through food and support chefs, writers, recipe developers by increasing conversations and supporting their work. With all kinds of clubs, from clubs for preserved and fermented foods or baking clubs, microbial collaborations with Empirical Staff, sharing their production methods and how to MacGyver them at home to Beit Mishmish, a community that celebrates vegan Palestinian food. Also check their instagram for updates and memes.
Die Gemeinschaft = The Community is a network of artisanal food producers and restaurateurs who are aware of their responsibility on the plate, from farmers, bakers, cheesemakers, retailers, activists and chefs, the community is committed to a new food culture and food system. Also check their annual symposium or knowledge archive, where all culinary actors are connected and can share knowledge, skills and inspiration on current and future food issues.
A creative media company and magazine that uses food as a means of better understanding humans and the world. Check their journal and also their podcast with stories through the lens of food anthropology. Their narratives interrogate who is missing from the story, to insert those perspectives. Founded by African–American food writer and producer Stephen Satterfield who hosted the insightful food docuseries High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. If you get the chance, have a look at it too!
Experimental publishing project exploring unusual encounters with food, covering “bizarre topics with equally hearty measures of sincerity and foolishness”. Have a look at their publications like Food& Bathrooms, Food& Nuclear War, Food& Gravity and Fast Food& Patents and also check their Journal.
A media platform that provides context around the issues within culture, nature, and the future, with two podcasts and a bunch of articles and stories.
Sharing stories “that explore the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality”, with insightful podcasts, stories and essays, poems, interviews and films.
Fermenting Culture with David Zilber, Podcast
“‘Culture’ and ‘culture’ mean two different things to a biologist and an anthropologist, but in fermentation, they overlap completely.”
Fermentation as Metaphor with Sandor Katz
“In both literal and metaphorical fermentation, the fermentation is breaking down previous forms into new forms.”
Non-profit food justice organization spotlighting the depletion of natural resources, unfair working conditions for produce workers, and the unavailability of healthy foods in low-income areas.
Grassroots Movement sharing experiences, networks, and collective wisdom to "radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation."
A community farm committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system, with deep reverence for the land. Empowerment, education and training of young farmers, reparations and land return initiatives.
Culinary insights by chef and culinary writer Thy Tran, dedicated to educating the public about Asian food around the world. She is also providing (pickling) recipes, culinary consultations and cooking classes.
Some food history fun.
↗ Offenbacher Wochenmarkt (DE)
This one is not really a resource but can quickly become a precious one as soon as you start talking to the farmers on the market. Every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, from 7.30–14.00.
↗ ada_kantine (DE)
A solidary community kitchen in Frankfurt, cooking for the neighborhood and people in need, with a solidary pricing system. I cooked there on a weekly basis for a while and can dearly recommend it. You can participate in many different groups and help with cooking, gardening, collecting food (from farmers or markets), finance, service etc.
Racial Equity Toolkit with resources and guidance on how to initiate conversations and organize efforts around racial equity in our broader communities for transformative learning and action towards a just agricultural system. With guidance and practical tools for conversations about race, racism, equity, and justice.
Fighting for farmer autonomy and sustainable food systems through perseverance and collaboration. A Growing Culture believes that achieving their "vast vision of food sovereignty for everyone, everywhere can only come from the collective daily work of Resourcing everyone who struggles for food sovereignty." Check their projects, articles and videos.
Movement and international farmers organization fighting for food sovereignty (they also coined this term) worldwide. Via Campesina advocates for family-farm-based sustainable agriculture, farmer's right to seeds, stopping violence against women and demanding an agrarian reform.
Dossier by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, with insightful stories, videos and resources.
Worker Movement out of rural and urban farmers, ranchers, fishers, farm and food chain workers, indigenous groups, scientists, public health advocates, policy experts, community organizers, and activists working towards transforming "our food and farm systems from the current extractive economic model towards community control, care for the land, local economies, meaningful labor, and healthful communities nationwide, while supporting the sovereignty of all living beings."
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
↗ Die Tafel (DE)
Non-profit distributing food that would otherwise be wasted and thrown away to those who need it most.
Non-profit aiming to create get togethers, cooking events and mentoring programs with and for people from different cultures.
Union between agricultural organizations and the people committed to protecting the environment, nature and animals.
↗ Food Sharing (DE)
Political collective aiming to save food and reduce food waste in both private households and companies.
↗ Food Watch (DE)
Non-profit dealing with food quality and consumers rights.
↗ Weltrettung im Supermarkt – Wie ethischer Konsum ein unethisches System stützt (DE)
Article with a critical view on green–washed consumption.
Solidarity and community based, ecological and regional agriculture.
Solidarity agricultural coorperative in Frankfurt and Offenbach.
“Fermentation is cooking, it just happens more slowly. Heat is movement. It causes thermal degradation. And the processes that take place inside a cell of yeast—using enzymes and heat to bust things apart and harvest energy—is analogous to what we do when we boil a pot of rice. But there’s always waste, for the microbe or the chef. It’s part of the parallel between fermentation and human existence on Earth.”
— David Zilber
A collection of some of my favourite recipes
↗ Entangled Life—How fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures, Merlin Sheldrake
A very thought– and insightful, magnificent book. I enjoyed every single page of it.
“Fungi make worlds. They also unmake them. There are lots of ways to catch them in the act. When you cook mushroom soup, or just eat it. When you go out gathering mushrooms, or buy them. When you ferment alcohol, plant a plant, or just bury your hands in the soil; and whether you let a fungus into your mind, or marvel at the way that it might enter the mind of another. Whether you’re cured by a fungus, or watch it cure someone else; whether you build your home from fungi, or start growing mushrooms in your home, fungi will catch you in the act. If you’re alive, they already have.”
“A mycelial network is a map of a fungus’s recent history and is a helpful reminder that all life-forms are in fact processes not things. The “you” of five years ago was made from different stuff than the “you” of today. Nature is an event that never stops. As William Bateson, who coined the word genetics, observed, “We commonly think of animals and plants as matter, but they are really systems through which matter is continually passing.”
Merlin Sheldrake
↗ Foundations of Flavor: The Noma Guide to Fermentation, René Redzepi & David Zilber
I got this special book by a special person a few years ago, shortly after it got published, and I use it ever since as a source of knowledge and inspiration.
You can probably find this thoughtful and intelligent piece with lovely illustrations in an independent bookstore in your neighborhood or if you’re lucky enough you might find a 2nd hand copy online from time to time.
“There are thousands of products of fermentation, from beer and wine to cheese to kimchi to soy sauce. They're all dramatically different creations, of course, but they're unified by the same basic process. Microbes-bacteria, molds, yeasts, or a combination thereof–break down or convert the molecules in food, producing new flavors as a result. Take lacto–fermented pickles, for instance, where bacteria consume sugar and generate lactic acid, souring the vegetables and brine in which they sit, simultaneously preserving them and rendering them more delicious. Cascades of secondary reactions contribute layers of flavors and aromas that didn't exist in the original, unfermented product. The best ferments still retain much of their original character, whether that's a touch of residual sweetness in a carrot vinegar or the floral perfume of wild roses in a rose kombucha, while simultaneously being transformed into something entirely new.”
↗ Wild Fermentation, Sandor Katz
And his other books Fermentation as Metaphor, The Art of Fermentation, The Revolution Will Not be Microwaved, …Also keep an eye on Sandor’s Website www.wildfermentation.com for updates, talks and conferences.
↗ Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer
The book is a compelling call for what Robin Kimmerer describes as “restorative reciprocity” – the responsibilities that come with the gifts of nature and the importance of practicing gratitude in this exploitative world.
“The vulnerability we’re experiencing in the pandemic is the vulnerability that songbirds feel every day of their lives.”
Kimmerer recognizes: “I don’t have the power to dismantle Monsanto. But what I do have is the capacity to change how I live on a daily basis and how I think about the world. I just have to have faith that when we change how we think, we suddenly change how we act and how those around us act, and that’s how the world changes. It’s by changing hearts and changing minds. And it’s contagious. I became an environmental scientist and a writer because of what I witnessed growing up within a world of gratitude and gifts.”
I got this important book from a friend in the beginning of the pandemic. It took me quite a while to read it, small piece by piece and digest it, but it’s truly worth it.
↗ Staying with the Trouble, Donna Haraway
“In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants.”
↗ Biocivilisations: A New Look at the Science of Life, Predrag B. Slijepčević
In Biocivilisations Slijepčević rethinks the mystery of life and its deep uncertainty, exploring the complex civilisations that existed on Earth long before humans. He shows how bacteria, amoebas, plants, insects, birds, whales and countless other species not only preceded human beings but demonstrate elements of human civilisation like complex communication, agriculture, science, and art. Humans must adopt this wisdom from other biocivilisations that have long preceded our own to end the violence we inflict on our living planet.
I went to Die Gemeinschaft's symposium in Berlin in 2021, with workshops and lectures about fermentation. Pia Sörensen, the author of this book, who is also teaching at Harvard, gave us a scientific introduction to the topic. She introduced us to Harvard’s Online Class Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes exploring "the roles that microbes play in the production, preservation, and enhancement of diverse foods in a variety of culinary traditions, and learn about the history of food fermentations.” The book explores why recipes work on the basis of science.
↗ Delicious—The evolution of flavor and how it made us human, Rob Dunn & Monica Sanchez
In this book Dunn and Sanchez explore “the role that flavor may have played in the invention of the first tools, the extinction of giant mammals, the evolution of the world's most delicious and fatty fruits, the creation of beer, and our own sociality.”
↗ On Food And Cooking: The Science And Lore Of The Kitchen, Harold McGee
A good, old kitchen classic. When this compendium about food first appeared in 1984, Time magazine described it as “a minor masterpiece”. A very detailed book about where our foods come from, what they're made of, and how cooking transforms them into something new and delicious.
↗ Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual, Bill Mollison
↗ Tools for Food: The Stories Behind the Objects that Influence how and what we Eat, Corinne Mynatt
The broad selection in this book explores the history of kitchen tools that we use almost every day. Divided into chapters by function—store, cut, grind, squeeze and mix—each contains several tools that represent the evolution of how our beloved kitchen tools, showcasing their origins.
↗ Edible Stories, Mark Kurlansky
I can also dearly recommend: Salt: A World History, about the only rock we eat as well as Choice Cuts: A Savory Selection of Food Writing from Around the World and Throughout History
↗ Ferment for Good, Sharon Flynn
A useful book to start with, with plenty of (easy) recipes
↗ Eating to Extinction—The World’s rarest foods and why we need to save them, Dan Saladino
“Eating to Extinction is an astonishing journey through the past, present and future of food, a love letter to the diversity of global food cultures, and a work of great urgency and hope.”
Dan Saladino meets farmers, scientists, cooks, food producers and indigenous communities who are preserving food traditions and fighting for change. All human history is woven through these stories, from the first great migrations to those from today. Eating to Extinction reveals a world at a crisis point: the future of our planet depends on reclaiming genetic biodiversity before it is too late.
↗ Koji Alchemy—Rediscovering the Magic of Mold–Based Fermentation, Jeremy Umansky and Rich Shih
Rich Shih gave a very insightful introduction to the topic at Die Gemeinschaft's symposium about fermentation last year. His work is worth exploring for a deeper insight into the field. In the book you can find everything from recipes from scratch to personal notes, experimentation is welcome and encouraged.
“What is it that makes koji so attractive to a chef or other culinarian? For starters, koji is bewitching: It’s life cycle is fascinating, and its aroma intoxicating. Think for a moment about some of the other moulds used in food production. Would you describe the aroma of a piece of charcuterie or a hunk of blue cheese as intoxicating, mimicking honeysuckle and tropical fruits? We think not.”
↗ Teaching Community, Bell Hooks
“To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination”
Useful information about fermentation, with plenty of insights in books, classes, recipes and stories. I also recommend their troubleshooting page with helpful Q&A’s.
A community that aims to connect people through food and support chefs, writers, recipe developers by increasing conversations and supporting their work. With all kinds of clubs, from clubs for preserved and fermented foods or baking clubs, microbial collaborations with Empirical Staff, sharing their production methods and how to MacGyver them at home to Beit Mishmish, a community that celebrates vegan Palestinian food. Also check their instagram for updates and memes.
Die Gemeinschaft = The Community is a network of artisanal food producers and restaurateurs who are aware of their responsibility on the plate, from farmers, bakers, cheesemakers, retailers, activists and chefs, the community is committed to a new food culture and food system. Also check their annual symposium or knowledge archive, where all culinary actors are connected and can share knowledge, skills and inspiration on current and future food issues.
A creative media company and magazine that uses food as a means of better understanding humans and the world. Check their journal and also their podcast with stories through the lens of food anthropology. Their narratives interrogate who is missing from the story, to insert those perspectives. Founded by African–American food writer and producer Stephen Satterfield who hosted the insightful food docuseries High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. If you get the chance, have a look at it too!
Experimental publishing project exploring unusual encounters with food, covering “bizarre topics with equally hearty measures of sincerity and foolishness”. Have a look at their publications like Food& Bathrooms, Food& Nuclear War, Food& Gravity and Fast Food& Patents and also check their Journal.
A media platform that provides context around the issues within culture, nature, and the future, with two podcasts and a bunch of articles and stories.
Sharing stories “that explore the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality”, with insightful podcasts, stories and essays, poems, interviews and films.
Fermenting Culture with David Zilber, Podcast
“‘Culture’ and ‘culture’ mean two different things to a biologist and an anthropologist, but in fermentation, they overlap completely.”
Fermentation as Metaphor with Sandor Katz
“In both literal and metaphorical fermentation, the fermentation is breaking down previous forms into new forms.”
Non-profit food justice organization spotlighting the depletion of natural resources, unfair working conditions for produce workers, and the unavailability of healthy foods in low-income areas.
Grassroots Movement sharing experiences, networks, and collective wisdom to "radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation."
A community farm committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system, with deep reverence for the land. Empowerment, education and training of young farmers, reparations and land return initiatives.
Culinary insights by chef and culinary writer Thy Tran, dedicated to educating the public about Asian food around the world. She is also providing (pickling) recipes, culinary consultations and cooking classes.
Some food history fun.
↗ Offenbacher Wochenmarkt (DE)
This one is not really a resource but can quickly become a precious one as soon as you start talking to the farmers on the market. Every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, from 7.30–14.00.
↗ ada_kantine (DE)
A solidary community kitchen in Frankfurt, cooking for the neighborhood and people in need, with a solidary pricing system. I cooked there on a weekly basis for a while and can dearly recommend it. You can participate in many different groups and help with cooking, gardening, collecting food (from farmers or markets), finance, service etc.
Racial Equity Toolkit with resources and guidance on how to initiate conversations and organize efforts around racial equity in our broader communities for transformative learning and action towards a just agricultural system. With guidance and practical tools for conversations about race, racism, equity, and justice.
Fighting for farmer autonomy and sustainable food systems through perseverance and collaboration. A Growing Culture believes that achieving their "vast vision of food sovereignty for everyone, everywhere can only come from the collective daily work of Resourcing everyone who struggles for food sovereignty." Check their projects, articles and videos.
Movement and international farmers organization fighting for food sovereignty (they also coined this term) worldwide. Via Campesina advocates for family-farm-based sustainable agriculture, farmer's right to seeds, stopping violence against women and demanding an agrarian reform.
Dossier by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, with insightful stories, videos and resources.
Worker Movement out of rural and urban farmers, ranchers, fishers, farm and food chain workers, indigenous groups, scientists, public health advocates, policy experts, community organizers, and activists working towards transforming "our food and farm systems from the current extractive economic model towards community control, care for the land, local economies, meaningful labor, and healthful communities nationwide, while supporting the sovereignty of all living beings."
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
↗ Die Tafel (DE)
Non-profit distributing food that would otherwise be wasted and thrown away to those who need it most.
Non-profit aiming to create get togethers, cooking events and mentoring programs with and for people from different cultures.
Union between agricultural organizations and the people committed to protecting the environment, nature and animals.
↗ Food Sharing (DE)
Political collective aiming to save food and reduce food waste in both private households and companies.
↗ Food Watch (DE)
Non-profit dealing with food quality and consumers rights.
↗ Weltrettung im Supermarkt – Wie ethischer Konsum ein unethisches System stützt (DE)
Article with a critical view on green–washed consumption.
Solidarity and community based, ecological and regional agriculture.
Solidarity agricultural coorperative in Frankfurt and Offenbach.
a pinch of salt
c/o Tamara Pešić
Ludwigstraße 197
63067 Offenbach
Open on Appointment.
Pickup times:
Thursdays, 16:00–19:00
Saturdays, 14:00–17:00
© 2022
a pinch of salt
c/o Tamara Pešić
Ludwigstraße 197
63067 Offenbach
Open on Appointment.
Pickup times:
Thursdays, 16:00–19:00
Saturdays, 14:00–17:00
© Copyright 2022